Welcome to our session archive!

© Julien Eichinger - Fotolia.com

You missed one of our skype meetings? No problem!


We record our skype meetings with the permission of our participants and store them here.


So with time we will build up an archive, which gives you the opportunity to listen to them, whenever your time allows. 


In this meeting we talked about the life and work of Erasmus of Rotterdam presented by Sergio Fernandes.

Find the recording in our video section.


In this meeting we had a presentation of a conscientiometric reasearch of Anne-Catrin Vogt, talking about Albert Schweitzer.

Find the recording in our video section.


This meeting was an exchange about several projects of members of the Invisible College related to Peace Education and talking about the one-month-challenge we will start on 21st September (International Day of Peace)


More information on this coming soon in our Blog.


We didn´t record this session. 


Our meeting was about visiting the UNITED NATIONS and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum in Geneva. 


We also visited the Botanic Gardens and Peace Garden in Geneva, honoring UN´s High Commissioner Sérgio Vieira de Melo and his team.  


Find the recording in our video section.


Our meeting was about a Course in Berlin (Germany), our visit of the Anti-War-Museum and the "Room of Silence", located inside the Brandenburger Tor (Germany). 


Find the recording in our video section.

2017/06/11: A member of the college was sharing her personal ideas and insights on developing a structure for studying bellicism. 

2017/05/14:  This time we had an exchange on personal experiences about self-pacification-techniques /-strategies.


2017/04/09: Reflections on personal strategies/techniques to develop intimate pacification
Slides presented at the virtual meeting.
Techniques_strategies for self-pacificat
Adobe Acrobat Document 241.5 KB


The debate was related to Consciential Freedom


Find the recording in our video section or open it directly on YouTube.


The debate was related to Developing inner peace - towards a desoma process (physical death) with more ease.


Find the recording in our video section or open it directly on YouTube.


Rafael shared his experiences while debating a new law related to disarmament in the Parliament (Brasilia) with politicians, arms manufacturers, lobbyist, bellicists, etc. 


For further information  about clustermunition:


See the Convention on Cluster Munition: 

"The CCM is the international treaty of more than 100 States that addresses the humanitarian consequences and unacceptable harm caused to civilians by cluster munitions, through a categorical prohibition and a framework for action."


The other non-profit organisation, engaged in the topic and metioned in the debate is: 

Desarme - Ação pelo Desarmamento Humanitário 


We recommend to check it out, they are doing a great work to ban this harmful weapons. 


Here is the recording of the skype session: 


Report on perceptions during a visit of the UNESCO Headquater in Paris. Find more information in our blog

Due to technical issues we lack recordings for the sessions dated

  • 2016/05/28
  • 2016/03/13


Here is the recording of the skype session: 


We are happy to welcome new members


We want to move forward with our  writing project: an anthology, presenting different topics related to peace. In our next meetings we want to deepen this subject. 


Besides this we want to present some biografical information about great peacebuilders, we studied already under the focus of a consciential approach. 


Due to technical issues we lack recordings for the sessions dated

  • 2015/12/29
  • 2015/12/06


In this meeting we talked about a vision of future projects and cooperations of this goup.


This MindMap related was presented and developed further. 


Here is the recording of the skype session


Our main topic was "Dag Hammarskjöld - an outstanding Peacebuilder of his time". 



Here is the recording of the skype session


Our main topic was "HOMO SAPIENS PACIFICUS - a book presentation". More information you will find in our blog



Here is the recording of the skype session


Our main topic was "Inner joy - a resource for Reurbanization and Peacebuilding".

We also developed the idea to start a writing project. We´d like to publish an anthology, presenting different topics related to peace. One of our next meetings will be dedicated to this subject.


This is a recording of the skype session, we had during #PeaceDay. 


Our main topic was "On the way to peace through unity in multiplicity and diversity, inner peace and spiritual transformation". Additional information you could find in this Blog post


This is a recording of the skype session of 30th August. 


Main topic was the presentation of a vision, how the future work of this group may look like. 


Find more information here.